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August 31, 2011 @ 02:55pm

Balticon Pitch Workshop

Here’s the audio for the Pitch Worshop I moderated at Balticon. I like to believe the audience got something out of the workshop beyond my tendancy to grandstand.

Eric Kimball, Scott Roche  and Brent Weichsel gave some great points, and we did managed to address everyone who showed up.

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2 Responses to “Balticon Pitch Workshop”

  1. […] long last, I have put the audio of the Balticon Pitch Workshop up on the Fables of the Flying City feed. That’s the last of the Balticon stuff, unless someone out there has the “Stories Worth […]

  2. […] I, as close as our POVs on the project are, look at the book differently. While Steve does indeed believe what I believe—as does Liz, and, I’m assuming, everyone who has pre-ordered—we have both torn our hair out […]

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