Fables of the Flying City
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February 26, 2013 @ 09:09am

Thank You

Thank you, everyone who has made both Fables of the Flying City and The Battle of Blood & Ink the incredible success it has been. It’s not been an easy time–especially the past year–but we’ve gotten through it. And we couldn’t have done it without you.

If you’d like to nominate The Battle of Blood & Ink for a Best Graphic Story Hugo Award, the whole process is remarkable easy: If you’re already going to LoneStarCon3, this year’s WorldCon, all you have to do is put “Jared Axelrod & Steve Walker: The Battle of Blood & Ink” in the “Best Graphic Story” section. If you’re not going to WorldCon, but have been to Chicon 7 (the 2012 Worldcon), or have a membership to  Loncon 3 (the 2014 Worldcon) you can still vote! You can also vote if you just want to pay the $60 Supporting Membership, which helps the folks at LoneStarCon, in addition to allowing you to say which science-fiction and fantasy books, tv, movies, zines, podcasts and fan work you think are the bee’s knees.

There’s a lot of great stuff that came out last year, and I suggest you nominate all of it. Just remember to put “Jared Axelrod & Steve Walker: The Battle of Blood & Ink” in the “Best Graphic Story” section!

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November 30, 2011 @ 02:53pm

Jared & Steve Like NEXTWAVE

Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker talk about Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen’s comic NEXTWAVE: AGENTS OF H.A.T.E., and why it is a perfect example of everything that is right and good with superhero comics.

Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.

By Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen


This episode also featured music by:

Thunder Thighs

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November 23, 2011 @ 09:41am

Jared And Steve Like FUN HOME

Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker talk about the reigning monarch of memoir comics, Alison Bechdel’s FUN HOME.

Fun Home
By Alison Bechdel

This episode also featured music by:

“Gimme Sympathy” (mp3)
from “Fantasies”
(Arts & Crafts Mexico)

More On This Album

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October 26, 2011 @ 09:33am

The Secret Lair, Episode #0047: Fables of the Flying Axelrod

Secret Lair overlord Chris Miller interviews me about FABLES OF THE FLYING CITY, the upcoming graphic novel and how much you owe your comunity.

In addition, we are still accepting emails for the free autographed mini-comics. All you have to do is send your address to fablesoftheflyingcity (at) gmail.com, and you’ll be entered to win! The costume contest is still going on, so send a picture of yourself in your Amperstamian finest to win original art by Steve Walker himself!

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October 21, 2011 @ 09:41am

Back From NYCC…With Contests!

Steve and I spent last weekend at New York Comic Con, meeting longtime fans and creating new ones. We sold a huge bunch of mini comics at the con, and now want to give you a chance at getting a signed copy of your very own. Just email your mailing address to fablesoftheflyingcity (at) gmail.com with “Mini Comic” in the subject line before December 1st, and you’ll be elligible to win one of 10 autographed copies of the mini comic!

At NYCC, Steve and I were so blown away by Liza James amazing representation of Ashe, that we wanted to see more of the characters in the flesh. To that end, we are having the first Fables of the Flying City Costume Contest. Just send a photo fo yourself in your Amperstamian finest to fablesoftheflyingcity (at) gmail.com, with “Costume Contest” in the subject and your mailing adress and who your dressed up as in the body. All contest entries will be posted on the Fables of the Flying City Facebook page (unless you tell us not to). Steve and I will pick the winner on December 1st. The winning prize is the original art of the cover of the mini-comic, a fine peice of draftsmanship, indeed.

Thank you, everyone who came by the table at NYCC, everyone who is just now discovering us becuase of the table at NYCC, and all of you who have supported from the begining.

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October 5, 2011 @ 09:56pm

Jared & Steve Like Comic Conventions

Specifically, SPX and New York Comic Con (though MoCCA, Dragon*Con and Baltimore Comic-Con get some love, too).


We’ll be at NYCC, rockin’ table L5 in artist alley–it’ll be the one with the giant “Fables of the Flying City” banner) where Steve will be showing off his amazing artwork and Jared will be on a panel with Tee Morris, among others, at 9pm on Friday.


This episode features music by:

Come SaturdayThe Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
“Come Saturday” (mp3)
from “Come Saturday”
(Slumberland Records)

Buy at Amazon MP3
More On This Album

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August 31, 2011 @ 02:55pm

Balticon Pitch Workshop

Here’s the audio for the Pitch Worshop I moderated at Balticon. I like to believe the audience got something out of the workshop beyond my tendancy to grandstand.

Eric Kimball, Scott Roche  and Brent Weichsel gave some great points, and we did managed to address everyone who showed up.

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August 25, 2011 @ 03:46pm

Jared & Steve Like BLACKSAD

Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker talk about a noir mystery with talking animals, the gorgeously illustrated BLACKSAD.


By Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido


This episode also featured music by:

Muddy Waters
“Mannish Boy” (mp3)
from “The Lost Tapes”
(Blind Pig Records)

Buy at Amazon MP3

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August 10, 2011 @ 02:05pm

Flying City Circus At Balticon

The full audio of the Flying City Circus panel at Balticon! Featuring the begining of FABLES OF THE FLYING CITY Book 2, “The Mouths of the Dead,” a prize giveaway, and a spirited question and answer session. The questions are very faint, but I think my answers can give you an idea of what the questions were.

Congradulations to Hugh O’Donnell winning his name in Book 2 and J.C. Hutchins for winning what is so far the only printing of Book 1.

Special thanks to Balticon and to Paul Fischer, Czar of the Balticon New Media track.

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August 3, 2011 @ 09:57pm

Jared & Steve Like ASTERIOS POLYP

Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker talk about one of the true graphic novel classics of the past few years.

Asterios Polyp

Asterios Polyp
By David Mazzucchelli

This episode also featured music by:

The Thermals
“A Pillar of Salt” (mp3)
from “LIVE [at the Echoplex – December 7th, 2007]”
(Spaceland Recordings)

Buy at Amazon MP3

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Copyright © 2010 Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker. All rights reserved.