Fables of the Flying City
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May 15, 2012 @ 11:10pm

Episode 41 – Bones Below The Streets

In which our heroes go below, Gatling is measured against, Ashe admits what she’s looking for, Tolban makes a misstep, a net is fortiitous, piles of skulls are witnessed, the likelihood of monsters is debated, and the Ossuarist makes his presence known.

The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net

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2 Responses to “Episode 41 – Bones Below The Streets”

  1. Despite my excitement for the book, I missed the fact that there was a podcast until a couple weeks ago, and have finally finished my marathon of catching up. I’ve enjoyed the stories thoroughly, Jared!

    Also, glad to hear that the rat was unhurt, even if Tolban was a bit worse for wear.

  2. 8fcp2h

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