Fables of the Flying City
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March 10, 2011 @ 08:40pm

Episode 30 – Someone Should Be In Heaven

In which a place in the afterlife is assured, a governorship is declared, a symbol of might is imagined, a knife finds its mark, a letter is sent, a key is exchanged, a man takes to the air, a horror is witnessed and a price is accepted.

The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net

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6 Responses to “Episode 30 – Someone Should Be In Heaven”

  1. Hoping this isn’t a spoiler, but I was picturing the “underground city” from Fritz Lang’s METROPOLIS at the end of this episode. Were you inspired by that, or is this idea coming from a more sinister inspiration?

  2. You are both close and far, far away, sir. Lang’s METROPOLIS is an influence, to some extent, but his vision of what ran his city is different than what runs mine.

    Suffice to say, mine is much, much worse.

  3. […] Fables of the Flying City, Episode 30  “Someone Should Be In Heaven” […]

  4. Dear God, what is hidden beneath the flying city?? Are clones of Bambi’s mother torturing hunters to fuel the city? Are kittens mercilessly tickling Soctt Sigler? Are Smurfs being sacrificed on the Altar of Speed? (actually, I’m OK with that last one)

    I can’t wait for the next episode to find out. You, sir, are an official Cliffhangering Bastard! 🙂

  5. Oh man, you think I’m a Cliffhangering Bastard now? Just you wait.

    I have only begun to cliffhang!

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