Fables of the Flying City
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December 1, 2010 @ 10:51pm

Episode 23 – A Warrior of the Future

In which a hotel is entered, a young man is met, a boyfriend is denyed, a soldier is described, a room is witnessed, a technique is learned, a destination is revealed, and a promise is made.

The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net

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5 Responses to “Episode 23 – A Warrior of the Future”

  1. Oh man, I only recently started listening to FFC and have shot through all the episodes in only a few days. Now I’m left craving, hungering, pining for more! Seriously Jared, I’m loving this story. Thanks for some severe fun in the storytelling department! Can’t wait for the rest of Book 1, then Book 2…Book 3…

  2. I’m glad you’re hooked, JP! Illness has waylayed me recently, but I’m gonna see I can’t put out the last episodes of Book 1 on a weekly basis. Should take us right up to the beginning of February.

    Far be it from me to deny a devoted listener their fix!

  3. […] Fables of the Flying City, Episode 23 “A Warrior of the Future” […]

  4. Have I mentioned before how much I love the “soup” references that Gatling makes? Well, I do. As I’ve said before, Gatling is the one person/character that I want to have soup and a smoke with.

    In this episode, I loved that Gatling, giving Ash reassurance, said
    “I see a young woman that knows the consequences of soup, and throws the bowl just the same.”

    That sure seems like an empowering statement to me.

    Keep up the great work, Jared. I’m behind but catching up quickly. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

  5. Thanks, Viv! I know you’re a lady of taste, so your words mean a great deal.

    Gatling’s obsession with soup is just one of those things that developed naturally out of the character. I didn’t plan it–she just started talking about soup. And when Gatling talks, you listen!

    Gatling is such a great character. I think she’s my favorite to write.

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